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We are very proud to announce our new paper, from PhD student Venkatesh Subramani, published today in Imaging Neuroscience ! This work is a collaboration between the BRAIn team with Giulia Lioi and myself, as well as Karim Jerbi.
My PhD student Ilyass Moummad has received the Jury Award, for his work on Few-shot Bioacoustic event detection at the 2023 DCASE Challenge. In collaboration with Romain Serizel, we proposed a simple solution consisting in pretraining using supervised contrastive learning, prior to few shot generalization. The paper can be found here.
We are thrilled to welcome a new associate professor in the BRAIn team : Axel Marmoret ! Axel holds a PhD in Music Signal Processing, and will contribute the development of AI activities in our team. Welcome Axel!
Today I successfully defended my Habilitation thesis! The defense can be seen here and the manuscript is here (23.4 MB file).
The purpose of this post is to share a story written by a colleague about Silent Cities, an open-science project aiming at documenting urban city soundscapes during and after Covid’19 lockdown.
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2008
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Recommended citation: Nicolas Farrugia, Franck Mamalet, S{\'e}bastien Roux, Fan Yang, Michel Paindavoine, "Design of a real-time face detection parallel architecture using high-level synthesis." EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2008.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2009
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Recommended citation: Nicolas Farrugia, Franck Mamalet, S{\'e}bastien Roux, Fan Yang, Michel Paindavoine, "Fast and robust face detection on a parallel optimized architecture implemented on FPGA." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2009.
Published in In the proceedings of BIO Web of Conferences, 2011
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Recommended citation: Simone Dalla, Jakub Sowinski, Nicolas Farrugia, "Lack of beat isochrony disrupts motor performance in a child drummer prodigy." In the proceedings of BIO Web of Conferences, 2011.
Published in Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (n, 2012
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Recommended citation: Nicolas Farrugia, Charles-Etienne Benoit, Eleanor Harding, Sonja Kotz, Simone Dalla, "BAASTA: battery for the assessment of auditory sensorimotor and timing abilities." Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (n, 2012.
Published in In the proceedings of Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing (PoRT), 2012
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Recommended citation: Michael Schwartze, Nicolas Farrugia, Sonja Kotz, "Early electrophysiological markers of formal and temporal predictability." In the proceedings of Perspectives on Rhythm and Timing (PoRT), 2012.
Published in In the proceedings of Joint Conference of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 2012
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Recommended citation: Charles-Etienne Benoit, Nicolas Farrugia, Sonja Kotz, Simone Dalla, "Music aids gait rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease." In the proceedings of Joint Conference of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), 2012.
Published in Neuropsychologia, 2013
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Recommended citation: Michael Schwartze, Nicolas Farrugia, Sonja Kotz, "Dissociation of formal and temporal predictability in early auditory evoked potentials." Neuropsychologia, 2013.
Published in In the proceedings of International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, 2014
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Recommended citation: Kelly Jakubowski, Nicolas Farrugia, Lauren Stewart, "Capturing the speed of music in our heads: Developing methods for measuring the tempo of musical imagery." In the proceedings of International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, 2014.
Published in Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2014
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Recommended citation: Charles-Etienne Benoit, Simone Dalla, Nicolas Farrugia, Hellmuth Obrig, Stefan Mainka, Sonja Kotz, "Musically cued gait-training improves both perceptual and motor timing in Parkinson’s disease." Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2014.
Published in Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
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Recommended citation: Charles-Etienne Benoit, Simone Dalla, Nicolas Farrugia, Hellmuth Obrig, Sonja Kotz, "Non-gait related benefits of auditory cueing in Parkinson's disease." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014.
Published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2015
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Recommended citation: Simone Bella, Charles-Etienne Benoit, Nicolas Farrugia, Michael Schwartze, Sonja Kotz, "Effects of musically cued gait training in Parkinson's disease: beyond a motor benefit." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2015.
Published in NeuroImage, 2015
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Recommended citation: Gerard Derosiere, Nicolas Farrugia, St{\'e}phane Perrey, Tomas Ward, Kjerstin Torre, "Expectations induced by natural-like temporal fluctuations are independent of attention decrement: Evidence from behavior and early visual evoked potentials." NeuroImage, 2015.
Published in In the proceedings of Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 2015
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Recommended citation: N Farrugia, J Smallwood, Lauren Stewart, "Frequency and affective evaluation of involuntary musical imagery correlate with resting state networks of spontaneous cognition." In the proceedings of Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 2015.
Published in Memory & Cognition, 2015
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Recommended citation: Kelly Jakubowski, Nicolas Farrugia, Andrea Halpern, Sathish Sankarpandi, Lauren Stewart, "The speed of our mental soundtracks: Tracking the tempo of involuntary musical imagery in everyday life." Memory & Cognition, 2015.
Published in Consciousness and Cognition, 2015
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Recommended citation: Nicolas Farrugia, Kelly Jakubowski, Rhodri Cusack, Lauren Stewart, "Tunes stuck in your brain: The frequency and affective evaluation of involuntary musical imagery correlate with cortical structure." Consciousness and Cognition, 2015.
Published in In the proceedings of 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2016
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Recommended citation: Nicolas Farrugia, Julia Huntenburg, Daniel Margulies, Vincent Gripon, "Identifying spatiotemporal patterns of functional connectivity using dictionary learning." In the proceedings of 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2016.
Published in Psychology of Music, 2016
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Recommended citation: Kelly Jakubowski, Nicolas Farrugia, Lauren Stewart, "Probing imagined tempo for music: Effects of motor engagement and musical experience." Psychology of Music, 2016.
Published in Behavior research methods, 2017
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Recommended citation: Simone Dalla, Nicolas Farrugia, Charles-Etienne Benoit, Valentin Begel, Laura Verga, Eleanor Harding, Sonja Kotz, "BAASTA: Battery for the assessment of auditory sensorimotor and timing abilities." Behavior research methods, 2017.
Published in In the proceedings of 2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2017
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Recommended citation: Mathilde M{\'e}noret, Nicolas Farrugia, Bastien Pasdeloup, Vincent Gripon, "Evaluating graph signal processing for neuroimaging through classification and dimensionality reduction." In the proceedings of 2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2017.
Published in Scientific Reports, 2017
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Recommended citation: Simone Dalla, Charles-Etienne Benoit, Nicolas Farrugia, Peter Keller, Hellmuth Obrig, Stefan Mainka, Sonja Kotz, "Gait improvement via rhythmic stimulation in Parkinson’s disease is linked to rhythmic skills." Scientific Reports, 2017.
Published in Memory & cognition, 2018
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Recommended citation: Kelly Jakubowski, Zaariyah Bashir, Nicolas Farrugia, Lauren Stewart, "Involuntary and voluntary recall of musical memories: A comparison of temporal accuracy and emotional responses." Memory & cognition, 2018.
Published in In the proceedings of 2018 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW), 2018
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Recommended citation: Carlos Lassance, Jean-Charles Vialatte, Vincent Gripon, "Matching Convolutional Neural Networks without Priors about Data." In the proceedings of 2018 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW), 2018.
Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.11337, 2018
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Recommended citation: Ghouthi Hacene, Vincent Gripon, Matthieu Arzel, Nicolas Farrugia, Yoshua Bengio, "Quantized Guided Pruning for Efficient Hardware Implementations of Convolutional Neural Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.11337, 2018.
Published in Applied Sciences, 2018
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Recommended citation: Ghouthi Boukli, Vincent Gripon, Nicolas Farrugia, Matthieu Arzel, Michel Jezequel, "Transfer Incremental Learning using Data Augmentation." Applied Sciences, 2018.
Published in Scientific data, 2019
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Recommended citation: Natacha Mendes, Sabine Oligschlaeger, Mark Lauckner, Johannes Golchert, Julia Huntenburg, Marcel Falkiewicz, Melissa Ellamil, Sarah Krause, Blazej Baczkowski, Roberto Cozatl, others others, "A functional connectome phenotyping dataset including cognitive state and personality measures." Scientific data, 2019.
Published in Frontiers in Psychology, 2019
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Recommended citation: Nina Politimou, Simone Dalla, Nicolas Farrugia, Fabia Franco, "Born to speak and sing: Musical predictors of language development in pre-schoolers." Frontiers in Psychology, 2019.
Published in Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2019
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Recommended citation: Ghouthi Hacene, Vincent Gripon, Nicolas Farrugia, Matthieu Arzel, Michel Jezequel, "Budget restricted incremental learning with pre-trained convolutional neural networks and binary associative memories." Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2019.
Published in In the proceedings of International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 2019
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Recommended citation: Abdelbasset Brahim, Mehdi El, Nicolas Farrugia, "Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Through the Graph Fourier Transform of fMRI Temporal Signals Projected on Structural Connectome." In the proceedings of International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 2019.
Published in In the proceedings of Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, 2019
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Recommended citation: Myriam Bontonou, Carlos Lassance, Vincent Gripon, Nicolas Farrugia, "Comparing linear structure-based and data-driven latent spatial representations for sequence prediction." In the proceedings of Wavelets and Sparsity XVIII, 2019.
Published in In the proceedings of EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing Symposium, 2019
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Recommended citation: Rozenn Nicol, Olivier Dufor, Laetitia Gros, Pascal Rueff, Nicolas Farrugia, "EEG measurement of binaural sound immersion." In the proceedings of EAA Spatial Audio Signal Processing Symposium, 2019.
Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.07847, 2019
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Recommended citation: Ghouthi Hacene, Vincent Gripon, Nicolas Farrugia, Matthieu Arzel, Michel Jezequel, "Efficient Hardware Implementation of Incremental Learning and Inference on Chip." arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.07847, 2019.
Published in In the proceedings of NeurIPS 2019 workshop "Hidden Neurons and Real Units", 2019
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Recommended citation: Nicolas Farrugia, Victor Nepveu, Deycy Villamil, "Estimating encoding models of cortical auditory processing using naturalistic stimuli and transfer learning." In the proceedings of NeurIPS 2019 workshop "Hidden Neurons and Real Units", 2019.
Published in In the proceedings of ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019
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Recommended citation: Yusuf Pilavci, Nicolas Farrugia, "Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform as Feature Extractor for Machine Learning in Neuroimaging." In the proceedings of ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.